Complaints Procedure

If you are unhappy with the service provided by ARS whether it is the learning experience, assessment, the support you are receiving or about staff or the organisation itself – we promise to take your complaint seriously and treat it as confidential. We also aim to resolve your complaint as speedily as possible.

If you have a complaint about any decision that we have made that affects you, for example, if you feel that you have received the wrong grade for an assessment, or you disagree with an examination result, you should use the relevant awarding organisation’s appeals procedures, which we can advise you on. For all other issues and grievances, use this Complaints Procedure.

How to make a complaint

It helps if you complain straight away to the people involved, as they may be able to put things right immediately. If this doesn’t resolve things, then use the Formal procedure below

Step One

You should make your complaint within 10 working days of the event or problem occurring using the complaints link on the website  under ‘contact us’ or email us at

Step Two

You will get a first response within 2 working days of receipt of your complaint, and a further response within four weeks.

Step Three

•      The complaint will be given to Head of Quality and Compliance (by 10 working days of the alleged offence) and copied to the Managing Director.

•        The complaint investigation will be actioned by Head of Quality and Compliance within 10 working days of the alleged offence, if further time is needed then the complainant will be notified.

•        A written judgement on the complaint within 10 days of the final hearing, which will be sent to the you.

Step Four

•      If the complaint cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant in the first instance then an appeal can be made to the MD or a designated member of the Senior Management Team if the MD is involved.

Please ask for our Complaints Policy for more details

Naomi NorthageComplaints Procedure